Halloween 'Fool Moon Run'

This Friday, we're going on for a run in the dark with a difference... we're going off-road, through Belvoir Forest & Lagan Meadows. You are welcome to wear fancy dress, though not compulsory by any means. Our only stipulation is that if you do wear fancy dress, it can't cost more than £5... and super respect if you can make one for less than £1!

We're leaving Cutters Car-park at 6:45pm on Friday (30th October) aiming to be back by 8pm. Run will be approximately 6-8 mile long at about 10 minute mile pace. The run is free, open to all and is just a bit of craic, so why not give it a try? 

Small Print: Please bring a head torch (with working batteries) & wear reflective clothing/lights. Weather forecast is for light rain/clouds so please (fancy) dress appropriately. Run will be mainly through forest, trail & stony paths and is run entirely at your own risk. You must be over 18.

Are you afraid to run in the dark?

Are you afraid to run in the dark?